Thursday, October 22, 2009

Braelin, Braelin, Braelin...

If there were 40 hours in each day, I still don't think that would be enough time to get everything done! Obviously, my blog has taken backseat to everything else! I just wanted to quickly post some pictures of our little cutie to keep everyone up to date!

The first picture was taken last weekend while taking a walk through the woods to check our trail camera. The second is Braelin wearing her rain boots (which she didn't need the day of the picture, but really needs today!) She loves those boots and pretty much any pair of boots or shoes...she gets that from me! In the third picture she's enjoying splashing in the water (which she also loves!). In number four, she had just finished eating all the blackberries off the bush and then decided to test every tomato we had picked! That's my girl....likes her fruit and veggies! The fifth picture is just darn cute!

Friday, July 24, 2009

July Happenings

July has been a very busy month which is why it has taken almost a month to get our 4th of July pictures up! Between work, school, and being a wife and has busy to say the least! We have a large garden again this year and try to keep the weeds tamed the best we can. Braelin likes to be in the garden with only if she could distinguish between weeds and plants! I guess we'll give her a few years before we put her to work.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Braelin's 1st Birthday BBQ

We had Braelin's birthday party on Saturday and it turned out really well! Good food and great company! The menu included:
  • Inside-Out Burgers: Mushroom Swiss & Onion and Cheddar Bacon
  • Hot Dogs
  • Cheesy Potato Casserole
  • Broccoli Salad
  • Cream Cheese Corn
  • Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes and Triple Chocolate Cupcake
The weather was beautiful. We had a short thunderstorm in the early morning but it moved along quickly. I don't think the afternoon could have gone any better! Thank you to all our friends that spent the afternoon and celebrated with us!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Braelin Turns One Today!!

Today is our sweet baby Braelin's first birthday! How exciting! The time is going by so quickly I can't believe it! I had to get a picture of us together on her birthday. The snakes are cinnamon bread sticks that I made for Brae to take to daycare. We're having a party for her on Saturday so we'll have some pictures of that next week.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today was Braelin's first Easter and, as you can see, she was absolutely precious! She received all kinds of goodies from her grandparents and had a great time playing with everything! She played so much that she fell asleep in her highchair while eating lunch!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Girl!

Braelin has had four teeth for awhile now and she loves to show them off all the time! She is always so happy and smiley! In the first picture, Zach was getting her ready for bed. The second picture was when she woke up one morning and had crazy hair! In the last picture, she was enjoying steak for the first time. She was concentrating very hard!

Our 4th Anniversary!

We decided to have a night out for our anniversary. Zach's mom was in town so she stayed with Braelin. This was our first night away from her. We missed her so much but we had a great time together.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Slow down!

Braelin is growing so quickly and the time is flying by! We can't believe she's 9 1/2 months old (and already drinking coffee!). She really wants to walk and tries so hard - she gets an A for effort! She likes to "feed" herself but she's not very good at it yet!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So much fun!

Here are some pictures of Braelin having fun, which she always does! The picture in the bathtub was her first "big girl" bath and she loved it! She takes really long baths now because she has so much fun playing with all her toys! I had to take the picture of her sleeping because she looked so sweet. She had just had her bottle and fell asleep in my arms...I LOVE that!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, I don't have a lot to say, I just wanted to share a few pictures from Braelin's firsts...her first haircut in November and her first Christmas. She is SO much fun!